A new release from Masafumi Gotoh
26 March 2024 11:40 UTC+0

Author: tima
Some new work is coming from the beloved vocalist of Asian Kung-Fu Generation. Get ready to listen to it!
Today, we’re waiting for a new music release from Masafumi Gotoh. He posted an Instagram story about it on his account with a link to streaming services.

What’s interesting about this is that he uses his real name, rather than his nickname, for this release. It’s seen on the cover art and on the linktree page he added. In one of his earlier Instagram stories, he had already stated that he would release an album with instrumental music under his real name.

So, it would be safe to say that this is what awaits us later today. Earlier, Masafumi Gotoh released his music under his real name on Bandcamp. Those releases were ‘Duplication #1’, ‘MeMe’ and ‘Bootlegged Emotions’. However, the latter two were released on Spotify under the Gotch artist page.
UPDATE (27/03/24):
It is released. It turned out to be an ambient EP with five tracks in total. And it is indeed published under the real name even at Spotify.
The cover art is an hommage to the legendary Ryuchi Sakamoto (who has passed away in 2023), or if to be more precise to his album ‘async’. What’s more interesting the Gotoh’s EP is released on 27 March 2024, Sakamoto has passed away on 28 March 2023, while ‘async’ was released on 29 March 2017 – three days one-by-one.
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