Asian Kung-Fu Generation concert in Mexico – Report
19 June 2024 13:09 UTC+0

Author: tima
After long wait, Asian Kung-Fu Generation came back to perform in Mexico. As an aftermath of the concert, we asked our friend Nayeli Garcia from Ajikaners Mx to reminisce and share her experience of it!
The soundcheck experience started with Kiyoshi testing the drums, we were all excited and he looked happy with the welcome of the crowd. After that, Yamada came to test his bass and it looked like our pronunciation of Yamada’s surname made Kiyoshi laugh. After Yamada, came Kensuke and the crowd was yelling ‘Ken-chan’ as he tested his Gibson Les Paul; and then Gotoh entered at last and everybody screamed ‘Gotchi’ – he laughed at the fact that we called him like that.

They started rocking the soundcheck with Senseless, for an experience previous to a concert this felt like the real concert. They continued with Haruka Kanata, and I must admit that Gotoh’s vocals were clearer and stronger at the time of the soundcheck. At last, they played Kimi no Machi Made and at the time everyone was so warmed up that we even started clapping at the sound of the music. After 3 songs, the soundcheck was over and the crowd was already excited for the next VIP activities.

After the soundcheck, we took pictures with the band. The first ones to take the pictures had to sit on a chair, but after a few people the chair was removed and the pictures went down smoothly, Ken told me ‘Nice Shirt’ referring to the shirt I had from the Surf Bungaku Kamakura Tour.
After the pictures, we had to wait about 2 hours for the concert to start. Luckily I was in the front row and I had a clear view of everything, I was between Ken and Gotoh.
The concert started unexpectedly with Shinseiki no Love Song, it was the first time that they were playing this song in Mexico, it was very emotional to hear this song for the first time, but there wasn’t even time to get emotional when the band started rocking with their best anime songs and it seems the Mexican crowd learnt from the mistakes of the concert in 2017, because they sang along perfectly in Rewrite without Gotoh having to say ‘No, no, no. Repeat after me.’
After playing Rewrite and Re:Re:, AKG kept rocking with Easter and asked in Spanish if we were having fun, but then the mood got sentimental and Solanin started playing and some people were crying since a lot of fans knew the context of the song from Inio Asano’s manga, they didn’t give our hearts a break and they instantly moved forward with Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa ga Furu, which has turned into a hit after the success in Bocchi The Rock.

The magic kept happening when Aru Machi no Gunjou started playing and I must admit that I was amazed by the way Kiyoshi played the drums in this song, the type of things that leave you breathless when you see them with your own eyes.
It was clear that the setlist was made for overseas fans who wanted to hear AKG’s most popular songs that’s why it was a nice surprise when Mugen Glider started, and it felt like a trip to freedom and letting go of all the hardships.
The mood was still a little sentimental when we got transported into another mood on a Blue Train, as always seeing Gotoh and Kita interact with their guitars to make the introduction is something magical, and the lighting focusing on the part that was playing was a nice detail, the sequence was amazing.
The lighting on the stage looked beautiful and AKG started playing a long introduction for a song, something in the lighting and the chords told me it was Marching Band, and we got back to this sentimental mood, but this time it felt a little more hopeful, I noticed that everyone in the crowd had the flash in their phones on, it was beautiful seeing those lights while listening to Marching Band.

It is always a delight to listen to Siren live, there’s something about that song that transports you to another place just by hearing the bridge and the live experience makes it more fulfilling.
During the MC, a Simi Doll was thrown to the band, characterised as Gotoh in the Surf Bungaku Kamakura outfit. To give a little more context about this ‘Simi Doll’ this is a thing that has become popular in Mexican concerts, these Simi Dolls represent the mascot of a popular pharmacy chain here in Mexico and these stuffed dolls are made by people with disabilities. Gotoh picked up the doll and put it on his microphone.

As Gotoh announced in Spanish the next song was Blood Circulator, the audience started firing up and the fire kept going with NGS.
As I said, the playlist was for overseas fans and AKG finished the concert with some of their best anime hits like Empathy, After Dark, Demachiyanagi Parallel Universe, and Kouya wo Aruke.
Empathy always conveys the feeling of being understood, maybe some people without knowing the meaning of the lyrics have turned on their lights again to the sound of the music.

When After Dark started it was clear that this was one of the favourites amongst the Mexican crowd, and many got acquainted with the band thanks to Bleach.
Demachiyanagi Parallel Universe and Kouya wo Aruke were a wonderful combination that everyone who loves The Tatami Galaxy universe enjoyed very much.
Sure, they had to include one of the all-time favourites in the setlist, Kimi to Iu Hana, which we waited to hear the last time they were in Mexico and they even played it in the soundcheck, but at the end, they switched it for Wakusei as a request from the crowd.

Kimi to Iu Hana was finally played at a concert in Mexico and everyone in the crowd was super excited and dancing.
It was here that the band left the stage to come back later for the encore, as everyone chanted ‘Oeoeoeoe Ajikan Ajikan’ – and that is how the band came back to play the last two songs.
The encore started with Loop & Loop, and many fans were surprised because this was a song they hadn’t played in Chile, and there weren’t any hints that they would include it in the setlist.

Sure, they had to close this incredible night with their best hit, and loved by many fans on this side of the world, the star of the song stepped in the middle to delight us with his awesome bass line, it was amazing hearing this anthem a second time the same day, but now feeling all the excitement of the rest of the fans.
They stepped in the front to show the Mexican flag and thank the audience as they waved goodbye, as always it was an amazing performance.

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