Electric Bloom Interview

Electric Bloom Interview

An interview taken by the Electric Bloom webzine before the Asian Kung-Fu Generation concert in London on 8 November 2015.

How has it been being on tour across Europe for the second time?
Gotoh: I have been very much looking forward to it, the show in Germany was much better than last time. German people seem to be quite shy, but this time it was very busy so I’m looking forward to seeing the same thing in London.

How was it playing in London for the first time back in 2013?
Gotoh: We were very affected by UK bands when we first started playing together, so we couldn’t believe we had a sold out show in London.

Last time you came here you played the same venue, is there anywhere else in the UK you would want to play?
Kensuke: Earls Court, but that’s pretty big. I saw a video of Oasis performing there so I really want to play there at some point.

Later this month you’re playing at NO NUKES 2015, playing alongside the likes of Brahman and NAMBA69, you’ve been part of the event since it started in 2012, how did you get involved?
Gotoh: Ryuichi Sakamoto formed the festival and wanted to pass it onto the younger generation so he asked us to participate.

Is the NO NUKES movement still as prominent as it has been the last few years?
Gotoh: It’s still there but the focus has moved towards the government which has gotten increasingly more right wing and the changing of the constitution. If you watch NHK you’ll see more about it than on the BBC.

Could you tell us more about your work on THE FUTURE TIMES?
Gotoh: It’s a free paper that’s made to make people want to think more about the future. The Japanese people are quite shy and believe what the politicians say a lot more blindly, like sheep. So we try to give them an alternative view.

Your music festival NANO MUGEN has grown from a small two stage event in Shinjuku, to taking over Yokohama Arena in 2012, what was the idea behind the festival and did you expect it to get that big?
Gotoh: Japanese people don’t really like listening to new music from bands from abroad, so it used to be just a Japanese rock event, but then we made it a place to introduce and enjoy new music from across the world, kind of a like a crossroad for people to find out about new music.

Because of the festival you’ve played host to loads of bands including UK bands like Feeder, Ash, and Manic Street Preachers, what was it like working alongside those big names from the UK?
Gotoh: They are all really big rock stars, they have an aura about them, but we’re kind of the same ages as them so we’re good friends.
Kensuke: Stereophonics are very unique characters.
Gotoh: Suede as well!

Are there any other bands from the UK you hope to play with in the future?
Gotoh: Let me get my phone…
(searches through music playlist)
Gotoh: Got it! Bear’s Den! They’ve got a really nice sound.

So in 2013 you celebrated your 10th anniversary of being on a mayor label, and next year is the band’s 20th anniversary, how are you going to celebrate?
Kensuke: Last time we played a huge show, but this time round we want to do something a bit smaller, but we haven’t really decided.
Gotoh: We’ll play at his house or something. He has a big house!

Your latest album ‘Wonder Future’ was released in the UK yesterday, what’s in this album that’s new compared to previous work?
Gotoh: It’s a very simple 8 beat but the sound quality is higher than any of our other albums. We used the old Neve 8078 mixing console from the 1970s at Foo Fighter’s Studio 606 in LA. It’s a beautiful piece of kit and has a lot of history behind it.

So you recorded at Studio 606 and saw the Foo Fighter’s live the other night in Germany?
Gotoh: Yes! It was a big show! I love seeing them live.

Which track from ‘Wonder Future’ stands out to you the most?
Gotoh: I love the title track Wonder Future because of the lyrics, I think I wrote some really good lyrics for that track.

You’ve got a new song in the works that’s going to be featured in the new film ‘Pink and Grey’, can you tell us anything about that?
Gotoh: It’s called Right Now.
Kensuke: We made it during our Japan tour, so we were pretty busy, but it’s good! We ended up mixing two songs together.
Gotoh: Well the first song Takahiro wrote, then I added some parts to create the final song.

Any last words for UK listeners?
Gotoh: Please keep watching and supporting us so we can get to Glastonbury next time!
Kensuke: That’s the dream!
Gotoh: It’ll be a very small tent, but that’ll do!

Not the Pyramid stage?
Gotoh: No no no! Way too big!

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