Tour 2022 ‘Planet Folks’ Goods
27 May 2022 10:14 UTC+0

Author: tima
Asian Kung-Fu Generation’s national tour in support of the new album ‘Planet Folks’ is around the corner — it starts tomorrow, 28 May. We have already written about all the dates and locations of the tour known so far, check that post if you haven’t yet. So, today we’re going to check which merchandise the band is about to sell at the venues.
First, we’ve got a Hawaiian shirt of a tasty mint green colour there, looks good, fresh and new for the band. Then, there are two training jackets which you could see on the album’s cover — Gotch wears one of these there. They are presented in navy and pink-red (it’s actually an enji in Japanese — #B3242E) colours.

The next item is a white T-shirt with differently styled song names on the back. The other two items are a smartphone strap (as I can judge, a pretty popular thing in Japan for the concerts) and a mini round pouch with the band’s logo on it. Another strictly Japanese concert thingy there is a face towel — they are always present in the merch list for any tour.
Let’s go back to the apparel. We have two Planet Folks T-shirts with a square image on them and a tour locations list on the back — a typical rock band’s tour T-shirt style. Then, we move to a Banana T-shirt, a yellow T-shirt with a drawing of some creatures (band members?) in an Abbey Road style with fancy writing. And the last in this row is a children’s T-shirt of light purple (I’d even say lilac) colour, but since it’s for kids, it’ll suit you only if you’re 130 cm tall.
The last row here features two sets of branded T-shirts with the flock band logo on them — short-sleeve and long-sleeve. Looking good but is pricey. And the last two items are a book and a CD. The book is a collection of INU COMMuniCATION articles written by Gotch during the last couple of years in which he had interviews with different Japanese artistic people while walking with their dogs. As for the CD, it contains music from Gotch, Subtle Control, Okada Takuro, Utena Kobayashi and Shuta Hiraki which they recorded during their Dialogue sets which were aired in 2021.
In the end, I’d like to say that this tour’s merch list looks interesting and unique in some way.