Wow! We are back!
19 May 2022 17:25 UTC+0

Author: tima
To our newcomers, welcome! To our old hands — welcome back!
We have come a long way since the start of the akfgfragments project back in 2010.

Our project has come through hard and easy times, happy and sad. We also have changed the design many times.

We have always been trying to provide the best info we could obtain in the best way possible. Our goal has always been a complete data source about Asian Kung-Fu Generation, side projects and so on. We collect different fragments of information and analyse them, collect them, process them and provide them to your judgement.
Even though the current re-birth of the site is done by other people (for example, I joined the akfgfragments in 2017), we promise you all to continue the great legacy of the good ol’ akfgfragments.

Moreover, we are going to use other means of providing news to you. First of all, we have a brand new Twitter account — @AkfgfragmentsEn. We also are going to use a very convenient way of proving news and more — the Telegram channel. And we have a great place to hang out — our Discord server, don’t hesitate to join.
The current state of the site is an alpha version (you might’ve noticed a little alpha sign in the header) which means more things to come — interviews, the band history, information about the side projects and the merchandise. We also are going to improve the design (both UI and UX) to make it better and easier to use!
We — the akfgfragments team — are very happy to be back on track and hope to see you all with us!